A Beginner’s Guide to Weightlifting Gear: Shoes, Belts, Wraps, and Sleeves

I have a rule about buying new workout gear: If I’m still practicing the sport or activity diligently for at least 6 months, I’m allowed to buy gear. Otherwise, I borrow what I can from friends or make do with what I got. For example, I took spinning classes on and off for two years before finally purchasing my first pair of …

3 Signs You’re Burning Out

Ask any ambitious, hard-working person how burnout feels in their jobs or careers and they’d tell you it’s soul-crushing. Thankfully, we’ve gotten better as a culture at detecting the symptoms of work-related burnout. But what about fitness burnout? Is it even a thing? Yes, fitness-related burnout is a real, and it can happen to anyone who is remotely passionate about …

Three Ways to Upgrade Your Workouts

I’mma be real with you. Programming can be complex and a tad overwhelming for the average person to understand, but it really doesn’t have to be. I see way too many people get caught up in the fancy training variables like dropsets, clusters, or finishers instead of focusing on what really matters: Progression. If you’re not progressing your exercises or …