The Real Debate Around Lifting Heavy and Getting Bulky

bulk·y (adjective): Taking up much space, typically inconveniently; large and unwieldy. A person heavily built. Synonyms: large, big, huge, substantial, massive Whenever I hear the words “Lifting heavy makes me bulky” I can’t help but cringe. Afterall, science has shown that heavy lifting or any form of resistance training will not make anyone, male or female, bulky. Ask anyone who has …

One Exercise For A Tighter, Rounder And More Powerful Butt

  When Sir Mix-A-Lot declared he liked big butts, he should have dedicated a lyric or two to the hip thrust.   Many people will tell you that the squat is the secret sauce to a powerful and beautiful derrière. However, research shows that hip thursts and squats combined will elicit the highest levels of gluteal activation needed for a stronger booty. …

A Newbie’s Guide To Crushing It At the Gym

The gym can be a scary beast if you’re new to exercise or coming back to the gym after a long hiatus. The foolish man dives right in without a program, without guidance and just ‘wings it.’ Know what happens to that person? Injuries, boredom, plateaus and failure. If you’re a gym and strength training newbie, just follow my guide …