How to Sculpt Your Glutes Without Bulking Up

  Bulk (noun): the mass or magnitude of something large. For whatever reason, the word “bulk” sends women running for the hills. Maybe it’s because it’s similar to the word “hulk”, as in the massive, steroid-induced green monstrocity we all know from comic books. While I love having muscle and being as athletic as possible, I certainly don’t want to …

The Importance of Back Mobility in Weight Lifters

When it comes to building a strong, resilient back, are you training for: A) strength B) mobility C) stability D) all the above The answer is: D train them all. The prevalent amount of back injuries seen in strength sports like CrossFit, powerlifting, and weightlifting should be enough to get you to start thinking about strength, mobility and stability of …

How to Create More Power, Stability and Control through Breath

Do you ever stop to think about how efficient your breathing is? I’ll place my bets on “probably not”. Yet breath is the subject of many scientific studies and research, including the basis of the The Postural Restoration Institute (PRI)’s work. I’m not in any way affiliated with PRI but I remember they exploded into the fitness and strength coaching …

4 Accessory Exercises to Build Up Your Deadlift

Lifting is a lot like a relationship. There’s the courtship period, the honeymoon stage and then the phase where you’re farting in front of each other and discussing feelings. Needless to say, smashing weights is not all rainbows and butterflies. A novice will experience PR after PR initially, but once they get to the intermediate or advanced levels, those PRs …

Getting Started with Barbell Deadlifts

There’s something about the deadlift that makes me turn into Master P and say UGHHHHHHHHHH! It’s powerful, strong; it’s Big Pimpin’ like Jay-Z before he married Beyonce. As much as I love barbell deadlifts, it’s not necessary for every body. There are plenty of variations out there that still work, but if you want to work your way up …

Training Beyond the Sagittal Plane

Whether we’re new to strength training or crushing WODs like it’s our jobs, getting strong in the sagittal plane is necessary for strength and power development. As a powerlifting wannabe, squats, deadlifts and presses are my life, but it can’t be my whole life. Lifters are required to be really great at just a few main lifts (three for powerlifting …