Take your Fitness to the Next Level with Percentage-based Training

A few weeks ago, I got together with one of my powerlifting friends and discussed all the valuable things we learning during that season in our lives. We reminisced about how strong we were, how fun competing was and how simple and intentional each workout was. Within that simplicity we made the biggest gains in our strength, technique, muscle mass, …

Here’s How Long It Takes To Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Let’s paint a picture. Woman walks in to a training studio and proclaims “I want to tighten up, be able to do a chin-up, get stronger, lose this belly [insert aggressive skin grabbing here], and I’d also like to go back into running without my knees hurting.” I, the trainer, sighs and waves a magic wand and everything happens in …

3 Fun, Fast, and Effective Cardio Workouts Using Kettlebells

Cardio gets a bad rep in the strength and conditioning world. Coaches love to demonize it and mainstream media glorifies it. I for one, love all forms of cardio training, especially any that uses kettlebells or other form of weights as the primary tool. This article is mainly about some fun cardio routines you can do with kettlbells, but before …

Four Exercises for Pain-Free Overhead Pressing

While corrective exercises aren’t sexy, they are fundamental for safe overhead lifting. I didn’t know anything about these types of exercises when I started weight training, and if I did, I probably wouldn’t have hurt my shoulders! If you aren’t ready to overhead press, you’ll want to do these exercises regularly as part of your warm-up and recovery routine. Every. …