Three Ways to Upgrade Your Workouts

I’mma be real with you. Programming can be complex and a tad overwhelming for the average person to understand, but it really doesn’t have to be. I see way too many people get caught up in the fancy training variables like dropsets, clusters, or finishers instead of focusing on what really matters: Progression. If you’re not progressing your exercises or …

A Back Friendly Exercise for All: The Single Leg Barbell Deadlift

As far as single-leg training goes, I’m confident that anyone with legs can benefit from the single-leg barbell deadlift. The exercise packs a major punch in terms of benefits, and it’s one I recently re-acquainted myself with. What is it: Single-leg barbell deadlift (SLBDL) Who is it best for: Intermediate and advanced trainees who have mastered the hinge pattern and …

A Newbie’s Guide To Crushing It At the Gym

The gym can be a scary beast if you’re new to exercise or coming back to the gym after a long hiatus. The foolish man dives right in without a program, without guidance and just ‘wings it.’ Know what happens to that person? Injuries, boredom, plateaus and failure. If you’re a gym and strength training newbie, just follow my guide …