I’ve been training people since 2011 and have come to learn that there are two types of trainees: Those that over value the things that account for merely 1% of the results Those that under estimate that things that account for 99% of the results Things like supplements, booty bands, and novelty are over hyped and over valued in the …
The Perks of Deficit Deadlift Training
Long before I became a diehard deadlift diva (how about that for alliteration), I was doing nothing but basic deadlifts. A conventional pull here, a dumbbell RDL there but nothing wild. It got a little stale, and even though I was hitting PRs (I was still a beginner, so that was no surprise), I felt like my goal of deadlifting …

Using Pilates for Stronger Squats and Deadlifts
If you had told me five years ago that Pilates would make me a stronger lifter I would have laughed in your face. Lifting weights is hard enough. How could an exercise method popularized by housewives and celebrities benefit my inner meathead? As it turns out, Pilates is one of the toughest exercise methods I’ve ever put my body through because …
A Case for Deadlifting With Chains
When we think explosive, the last thing that comes to mind is the deadlift. Yet any lifter worth his or her salt will tell you that the deadlift is anything but slow. Once we get past the learning curve of the barbell deadlift and start building strength, adding in chains (or bands) is a great training tool to build the …
Getting Started with Barbell Deadlifts
There’s something about the deadlift that makes me turn into Master P and say UGHHHHHHHHHH! https://youtu.be/d5ZvzIOO6aU It’s powerful, strong; it’s Big Pimpin’ like Jay-Z before he married Beyonce. As much as I love barbell deadlifts, it’s not necessary for every body. There are plenty of variations out there that still work, but if you want to work your way up …