Four Filler Exercises to Boost Your Squat

People that say squatting is similar to squatting down to a toilet seat don’t understand squats. Or at least, they are oversimplifying an exercise that demands a lot more from us than going #1 or #2. In order to squat deep and well, you have to meet certain mobility requirements, which I’ve discussed at length HERE, HERE and HERE. Here are …

3 Fun, Fast, and Effective Cardio Workouts Using Kettlebells

Cardio gets a bad rep in the strength and conditioning world. Coaches love to demonize it and mainstream media glorifies it. I for one, love all forms of cardio training, especially any that uses kettlebells or other form of weights as the primary tool. This article is mainly about some fun cardio routines you can do with kettlbells, but before …

Three Ways to Upgrade Your Workouts

I’mma be real with you. Programming can be complex and a tad overwhelming for the average person to understand, but it really doesn’t have to be. I see way too many people get caught up in the fancy training variables like dropsets, clusters, or finishers instead of focusing on what really matters: Progression. If you’re not progressing your exercises or …