The Most Optimal Rest Period for Strength and Muscle Growth

How long should you rest? If you train with me in-person or through BarbellSTRONG coaching (BSC), my 4 month online strength & hypertrophy program, you’ll always know exactly how long to rest between sets. Rest periods are the most underrated training variable yet an easy one to track. Most people overestimate the time they’ve spent resting between sets and end …

The Top 5 Go To Deadlift Accessory Exercises

Nothing will kill a deadlift more than weak lats or a less-than-comfortable-it’s-nearly-slipping grip on the barbell. No thank you! The antidote to both situations is using accessory work to plug all the weak leaks in your deadlift.  Or, maybe you just don’t know how to deadlift correctly, which is a topic I cover at length here.  Most people start deadlifting with …

5 Unique Ways to Increase the Intensity of your Home Workouts

  I’ll be the first to admit that I am not a fan of home workouts. Like many of you, I prefer to be in a gym, amidst the muscles, loud music, sweat, and unlimited equipment. That is my happy place. The pandemic forced all of us outside of our comfort zones, myself included. I’m a big believer in turning …

Three Pilates Myths Pilates Instructors Tell You

I’ve never been one for dogma, particularly the ones in strength training, diet, and Pilates communities. It has a way of alienating people, and I find that everyone has a personal right to ask question and determine what works best for them. In Pilates in particular, there are some beliefs or cues that are passed down from teacher to student …